Russian ozone conference.
Ozone and other environmentally-friendly oxidizers.
Science and technologies.

The 34th conference, 2016 year

Here is the 34th Russian ozone conference timeline. The article submits and member registrations are opened. The conference will take place June 29, 2016 at the chemistry department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The official language of conference is Russian.
We invite you to take part at the conference. You can:


The main objective of the conference is to introduce a wide range of Russian public with the currently existing innovative water treatment technologies using ozone - a unique oxidant-disinfectant.

The organizers of the conference: Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University and NVF TIMIS, LLC (development of ozonation water treatment equipment).

The conference is organized by the framework of the public organization "Ozone Society" - "Ozone and other environmentally-friendly oxidizers".

The decision about the establishment of the public organization "Ozone Society" was made on June 7, 2002 at the general meeting of members of the 23rd Russian ozone conference. The seminar involved about 80 people.

There were

The members' task is to organize the work of the Ozone Association. The main objective is to unite experts in various fields to promote the development of science and education in the chemistry and physics of ozone and other environmentally-friendly oxidants and their practical application in modern technologies.

The primary and the most important goals are:

Семинар по озону